Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Peak Novel Study: Blog # 1: Sharing Your Success

Think about a time when you thought you couldn't accomplish what you set out to accomplish, but then you did! At the risk of sounding mushy, how did you feel at first? Why was this goal so important to you? What were some of the obsticals that stood in your way? How did you feel once you persisted and achieved your goal? For those of you thinking, "Geez, Mrs. Hribal- I don't have anything like that to write about"- try this...write about a goal or dream that you do have. What's stopping you? What do you think you will feel once you accomplish this goal?

Respond to two other posts. Be sure to start your post with your name! Use as many short forms as you like- please check your spelling!!!


mschroed said...


As a teacher we're encouraged to stay up to date on professional courses. I wanted to take a certain course for English teachers, but I knew it was going to be a TON of work...I tried to put the course off for a couple of years. I was nervous about whether or not I would be able to keep up with the assignments. I got accepted into the course this October. I started getting excited about being a student again, but as soon as I got my first assignment my anxiety level hit the roof- the reading for the task was VERY difficult. I never thought I could get through it- but with a lot of patience, re-reading, and the help of researching the stuff I didn't know, I was able to pull off an 'A' on the project! I'm so happy to report, I've passed the course with straight A's. I feel even more successful now as a teacher because I was able to succeed in the course! (P.S. if I didn't take the course, you would not be working on this blog right now!!)

Mrs. Schroeder-Hribal

mschroed said...

Emma Says...

When i played for the icequeens i didnt think that i could do it becuase all the other girls were so fast and really good! Over the nect few practices i felt a little bit better but i was about to have a much larger shock then i ever thought of... When we went into our first tournament and then realissed just how fast the other girls were and they were fast!. and to my surprise i was just as fast as them... but what really surprised me was the fact that my whole hockey team knew that i could do it. ! and i did. our team one the A,A, and then AA championships and it was so much fun! And in the last game of the AA game i recived player of the game! and now.. i cant wait untill next year!

mschroed said...
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mschroed said...

Cass Says-
One of my dreams are to play hockey for the candaian womens team and go for the gold .And to marrie Carry Price wwho plays for the hamilton bull dogs . he is a hottier and is a really AWESOME goalie !

mschroed said...
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mschroed said...

reg says... im proud that my team has won second place of the a division on the weekend we will be bringing the trophy home to stay hopefully we'll be able to bring first for the championships !!! :D

mschroed said...

Maddi says.....
LOL! thats kind of funny because when i was reading the original post i was thinking that i hade nothing to write about....but anyways, I do have a goal that i want to accomplish. My most wanted goal is to go through university and then become a dentist.....i have told many people about this and most of them say they can't see me as being a dentist but thats all ive wanted to do since i was five(well...except for being a princess)lol..:)

mschroed said...

Emily says...

I have never really succeed at anything important. My goals include waking up on time for school tommorow, buying a horse and remembering to feed my cat.
Pretty boring.

mschroed said...

Cass Says-
One of my dreams are to play hockey for the candaian womens hockey team and go for the gold ,And to marrie Carry Price wwho plays for the hamilton bull dogs he is a hottie and is a really AWESOME goalie !

mschroed said...

Alex says... :)

When I went Up-North to Grundy lake the whole way up tehre I was talking about how I'm going to jump off all the cliffs and jump into the water. I was so excited to do it, but when we actually climbed up the cliff and were staring down below at the water WAY down there, WOW! I was very scared. I watched as my family and other people jump off and come back up fine for a while hours being very bored, but I could just not get myself to do it. After a while i figured i might enver get a chance to do this type of thing again and i better make the best of it and just try and have fun. So i strapped on a life jacket because there was no way I was jumping 25ft without it! and I counted to 3 and before I knew it i was screaming at the top of my lungs and having a blast! I was actually sad when it was over, so i climbed back up the mountain and took off the life jacket and just jumped! WOW it was even more fun there second time ! :P

At first i felt really afraid to do it but i knew somewhere deep down that i could accomplish it.

I think that some of the obsticals that stoof in my way at first was my fear of heights. Because jumping 25ft down may not sound high, but it really is.

After I finally achieved my goal I felt AMAZING! I wouldn't even leave after 5 hours of constantly jumping and climbing back up again [with a few breaks in between.]

I'm really proud of myslef and I hope that a get to do something like that again real soon ! :)

mschroed said...

I'm so happy for you guys must of took alot of work. so good job! :)..i wish i could achieve a goal.I should play kidding i would get smushed, but really good job.

mschroed said...

Chelsea(M) says...
My goal is to become a Veterinarian in the future and take care of horses. Even get my own. The only thing that is stopping me is my age and the knowledge taht u/I will need to know. I would really like to help all of those suffering animals and then give them all a caring family that will take care of that particular pet. <3

mschroed said...

Kirstin says.....This goal was trying to help some one from being bullied and I achieved the goal. I felt proud and like I could do that again if anything like that were to happened again. The person who had been bullied sure felt good because the person now knows that no ones going to be picking on the person again and that they can feel safe and play again and have fun.

mschroed said...

chad says...
one goal that i have achieved was when i made the rep football team and became a reciever. it was important because i really wanted to make it and our team did really good(made it to the finals) some of the obsticals that were in my way were that i was little in height and so for me to be a reciever, it was diffucult to be one but a lot of nights,me and my dad would practice